[Army Lists] Kadavah Strike Force

By these means and others, we lurch toward the Strike Force paradigm.

Knowing my great tactical weakness of old, I don't want to add too many more units; this is about concentrating points into a handful of models; this is about putting the Monolith on a board, at last.

Kadavah Dynasty (1500 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Awakened Dynasty


Overlord (105 points)
  • Warlord
  • 1x Resurrection Orb
    1x Voidscythe
  • Enhancement: Veil of Darkness

Royal Warden (40 points)
  • 1x Close combat weapon
    1x Relic gauss blaster

Technomancer (70 points)
  • 1x Canoptek Cloak
    1x Staff of light
  • Enhancement: Sempiternal Weave


Immortals (140 points)
  • 10x Immortal
    • 10x Close combat weapon
      10x Gauss blaster

Necron Warriors (220 points)
  • 20x Necron Warrior
    • 20x Close combat weapon
      20x Gauss flayer


Canoptek Scarab Swarms (40 points)
  • 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
    • 3x Feeder mandibles

Deathmarks (65 points)
  • 5x Deathmark
    • 5x Close combat weapon
      5x Synaptic disintegrator

Monolith (350 points)
  • 4x Gauss flux arc
    1x Particle whip
    1x Portal of exile

Night Scythe (145 points)
  • 1x Armoured bulk
    1x Twin tesla destructor

Skorpekh Destroyers (100 points)
  • 3x Skorpekh Destroyer
    • 1x Plasmacyte
      3x Skorpekh hyperphase weapons

Skorpekh Destroyers (100 points)
  • 3x Skorpekh Destroyer
    • 1x Plasmacyte
      3x Skorpekh hyperphase weapons

Triarch Stalker (125 points)
  • 1x Stalker’s forelimbs
    1x Twin heavy gauss cannon

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Adding the Technomancer and merging the Warrior units together steps toward one of the signature "blobs" of the Awakened Dynasty. They'll continue to be joined by the Royal Warden, on the grounds that Assault and Heavy on their flayers keep them shooting even if they have to double-time it onto an objective, and once they've bedded in on it.

There's a deceptive amount of mobility here, between a unit in the Night Scythe, a unit in Reserve coming through the Monolith's Eternity Gate, and the Veil of Darkness on the Immortals - oh, and Deep Strike on the Deathmarks. I don't even have to have any light infantry on the board at the start if I don't want to.

It does feel a bit "toys before boys," but I suspect I'll think that about any army list that includes more than two non-infantry models. As long as the next wave has some more proper bodies in it I think I'll be fine. Maybe those Lychguard I hear all the fuss about, and all the fun stuff from the Royal Court; a proper leader for the Skorpekhs, another Cryptek to hang with the Immortals, and of course the Canoptek Reanimator.


  1. Honestly if you ask me boys before toys is overrated. Skimping on adequate equipment is a false economy that will only cause more problems down the line when your men are unable to adequately adapt to complicated battlefield situations and are forced to resort to archaic trench warfare out of desperate necessity.

    I much prefer to have my troops prepared for any situation they might encounter. And that's not just because having a larger array of painted figures than my opponent is a luxury I rarely get to enjoy. Nor is it sour grapes about being regularly confronted with more Orks than I have plasma bullets.

    That said there is a distinct shortage of manpower (robotpower?) for securing and occupying large areas of territory here, and another solid block of troops would probably be the next addition if it were up to me - ideally another batch of 20 Warriors for supporting a push from the Immortals, or dropping in the rear echelon and *staying* there, or as a rock solid reserve for plugging holes in the line, and for maximum cross-edition troop ubiquity, but if you can't stomach painting another batch of 20 figures for one unit then another band of 10 Immortals would probably work well too.

    That and a good three Tomb Spyders for some solid logistical support (the other thing missing that sticks out to me) would probably be a solid 500 points or so as a convenient wave to boost up to 2000 points.

    That's my first instinct at any rate. Either way I'm mostly just looking forward to seeing the Monolith get more table time. After all, the last couple of game results with the Kadavah Dynasty clearly call for a retaliation so *massive*, so *merciless*, that it will live in history..

    1. It's funny, but I was also contemplating another Warrior unit, this time with the new fangled gauss reapers: shorter range, but higher Strength, ideal for interceding against Intercessors and inconveniencing Inconveniencors.

      I hadn't considered the Spyder in this context, but having looked up what they do in tenth, I could be talked into one or two. There's also much ado about Heavy Destroyers and again, those are cross compatible. Much to think about…


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