Garbutt's Space Marines
everything you did - even the lies you told to your brothers - were not
done with ill intent. You were seeking to remove a stain from your
honour - a shame so great that you could not even tell your Chapter of
it - and avenge the injury dealt to the Space Wolves. You did skirt
dangerously close to being renegades... but you are not traitors."
your punishment is this: we make your hunt an official Crusade. Seek
out the enemy where ever they may lair and strike this stain from our
honour. Your armour is to be repainted, to symbolize that you operate at
one remove from the Chapter, to remind you how close you came to
starting a second Chapter War. You will receive neither help nor support
from the Chapter, we turn our backs on you. When you succeed, then you
may return to us. Not before."
"And Kaine? Let us be clear -
despite your noble intentions with which you acted, your actions have
damaged our trust in you. No matter how noble your deeds, no matter how
great your victories... you will never be Regent. That opportunity is
lost to you."
The Hawk Lords Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes: Ultramarine successors, with a Raven Guard twist, trained as they were by survivors of the Istvaan massacre when they were merely a division of the Thirteenth Legion. Seventh Company has been missing in action since the turn of the Dark Millennium, as a consequence of hostile xenos activity...
Specialisms: aerial combat, rapid insertion by Thunderhawk and Stormtalon.
Organisational quirks: Chapter Master Tobias Lombardi is an Ironclad Dreadnought and has been since a long-ago civil war divided the Chapter. The day to day administration is carried out by a Council of Captains, led by an elected Regent, who is technically merely an advisor to an ancient warrior with a dubious grasp of current events. In theory, this ensures a permanent division of power: never again shall a single warrior's hubris threaten the Chapter as a whole.
Garbutt owns a whole battle company of OG Astartes in the classic purples of the Chapter, but his Primaris lads are a little different, based as they are on the delightful iridescent red his Dropfleet stuff is painted. These are the Seventh Company: the secret-keepers, the revealed shame, the avengers of the Hawk Lords' honour. These are the Sworn.
Under Captain Talassar Kaine, Codicier Kathartes Aura, and Lieutenant Mithrac Bors, the Sworn continue their hunt for the Necrons who cost them their honour a hundred years ago. They have crossed the Rubicon Primaris, and they scour the dark places of the galaxy, and their penitent Crusade has brought them to the Sector Maledicta...
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